Thursday, June 10, 2010


I think we all "suffer" from insanity at times but I think its all normal. I will be first to raise my hand and say that my job can drive me batty and other times, I can be bored. Same as being a Mother. I love my title. Mom. I love picking Linus up from Mema's house everyday and he running to me yelling Mom. Makes me forget that earlier in the morning he was whining about which shirt he wanted to wear and then changed his mind after I already took it out of the closet. That drive me nuts. But I think sanity moments and insanity moments are all ok. Shows me that we are all human and we are far from perfect. I strive to be more like Christ and to learn to control my emotions and thoughts but I can't without His help. I do fail without Him. We are all human and we learn as we go alot of the times but we also as adults do know right from wrong. But how does a sane person think its ok to drive his/her car into a restaurant in hopes to die but not think of the people he/she may hurt. I do not understand that at all. I guess I don't have to as I am not the judge. Life. Choose to be level headed or to not care but don't sit on the fence wondering which side to be on. The choice is yours.

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